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Friday, August 31, 2007

Parent Teacher Association

I've recently become actively involved in my PTA. I've been a member for years, supported the fund-raisers and attended the meetings. This year is different. This year I'm helping with the website (big surprise there) and considering chairing a standing committee. Why? It feels like the right thing to do. It's all about helping the kids - through the teachers and the school!

I started reading the book Bowling Alone, didn't get far and had to return it to the library. I then purchased the book thinking I would read it on vacation - didn't happen. Yet. However, it quite possibly has subconsciously spurred me on to service. Anyway, it is fun helping and I'll continue to see what more I can do.

Do you have kids? Are you in your local PTA?

If you answered "Yes" and "No" respectively, click here!




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