While these should be wide-ranging views on a variety of topics, they will likey revolve around movies, technology, gadgets and the Green Bay Packers.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Bowling Alone

This is the title of a book by Robert D. Putnam (ISBN: 0-7432-0304-6) that focuses on the American community. Specifically it's collapse and subsequent revival. The concept and notion are very interesting to me. It's something that I have noticed and experienced to a degree. I can "look" back to the days where community and organizations seemed to be everywhere and on the surface things seemed better. However, as an adult, this may simply be the illusion of nostalgic glasses. I think I would like to be a part of what this golden era had to offer, but have not really made a real attempt to do so. I suspect that is what the book is about, though I must confess that I am only 25 pages in - and it is already a week overdue from the library. I can tell this is going to require some focus to reach the end of the book and I have not yet committed to doing that.

Anyway, I'll get through it eventually (just like I will finish Diplomacy). It just may take a little time and is probably best suited for a vacation reading list.


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