While these should be wide-ranging views on a variety of topics, they will likey revolve around movies, technology, gadgets and the Green Bay Packers.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ranger's Apprentice

I was browsing in Barnes & Noble and came across this series. It is a pretty straight forward, but very enjoyable youth fantasy series. I've read the first three of six published books in just a few days. The downside is that books 4-6 (and soon to be 7) are not yet available in the States. The author has published them in Australia. Arrg! I guess that is as good as reason as any to travel down under ;)

If you've enjoyed these books, here are a few similar series you might enjoy as well.

Terry Brooks - Shanarra Series

Raymond Feist - Riftwar Series

David Eddings - The Belgariad


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