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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Welcome to the Social


I am the proud owner of a Zune. A Brown Zune. I am very happy with this gizmo. The only other MP3 player I had was a small Creative that held around 15 songs. This has a 30GB drive that holds music, video and pictures. PhotoThis has inspired me to clean up my music, find all my CD's (still looking for about a dozen or so<g>) and get them loaded onto my Zune. I've got some video that I'll move as well. One of the more interesting things about this device is the fact that you can wirelessly transfer a song to some other Zuniac. I did this the first time I took it out in public. Someone noticed the earbuds and asked if that was for a Zune. We compared models (white vs. brown) and each transferred a song. It was simple, fast and very cool! This adds a fun element - considering what song to transfer to someone else. Picking something that complements that persons taste or something that will turn them on their ear. It's like making a mix tape for those who have ever done that. 

It's only been out just over a week and already there are many fans who have created websites, made wallpaper for their Zunes and are debating what should be in the next version.

I am having a blast with my Zune though its a little strange walking around with earbuds in my head. This has definitely revitalized my interest in music!



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